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What is a Montessori classroom like?

Updated: Jul 7, 2023

A Montessori classroom is an exciting place to be. There are many interesting and beautiful resources with which children can work. There are many interesting books on a wide assortment of topics, such as insects, plants, animals, different countries, history,etc. However, textbooks, workbooks, and ditto sheets are not used. Instead, children work with many concrete materials that help them to learn through an active process. In using these materials, the children may make their own books, draw their own maps or timelines, and develop their own projects. As a result, the classroom is a busy, happy place to be. Since the classroom is well organized, with the intention of making all the materials visible and accessible for the children, the children can find what they want and work without having to wait for the teacher.

Montessori Classroom
Montessori Classroom

In a Montessori classroom, you may see some children may be reading while others are doing math. Some children may be studying ants while others are listening to classical music on headphones. The children are all engaged in a purposeful activity that leads to and develops intelligence. The materials set out in the room have been carefully designed with an educational purpose in mind. Because of this, the children are free to move from activity to activity. They don’t need to wait for assignments from the teachers.

Montessori Shelves
Montessori Shelves

In a Montessori classroom while the children are engaged in purposeful activities, the teacher or guide is free to help individuals or small groups. The teacher is not tied to a routine of having a present a series of large group lessons to the whole class. The classroom is activity centered rather than teacher-centered. The teacher’s job is to prepare the classroom, put out the materials, and then observe the children and determine how to help. The teacher does not need to test the children because it is easy to see how the children are doing by observing their activities.

Montessori Classroom and Shelves
Montessori Classroom and Shelves

In a Montessori classroom, while the children are engaged in activities, the teacher has immediate, up-to-date information about any child without time being taken away from learning and without the threat of failure being imposed upon the child. Without the threat of failure, and with so many intriguing things to do, discipline problems disappear, and a friendly, cooperative social community forms. Cooperation rather than competition becomes the tone of the room and adversary relationships fade away, becoming friendships.

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Reference : Montessori World Educational Institute

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