Children love a Montessori Preschool because:
The children have the opportunity to be with children within two years of their own age
The children have interesting things to do in a prepared environment
The Montessori room is attractive, with many carefully designed materials and activities from which the children can choose
The children are free to engage themselves in activities that interest them
The children can work by themselves, or with a friend, or a group of friends
The children can spend as much time as needed in any activity
The children have opportunities to do things they see their parents do at home.
They can prepare food such as grating carrots, peeling potatoes, cutting bananas, cracking nuts, or squeezing oranges
They can do carpentry such as hammering, nailing or sawing
They can learn to tie shoes, work a zipper, use snaps and buttons
The children can listen to music, sing, dance and learn to play an instrument
The children can paint, draw, work with clay, learn to sew, make masks or puppets
The children can learn to count or make words
The children have the opportunity to look at books about all the wondrous things in the world around them
The children can look at a globe and look at pictures taken of different parts of the world
The children can run, climb, play games, and have fun with their friends
The children have the opportunity to engage with their guide/teacher when they are ready

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Reference :Montessori World Educational Institute