Our daughter has never been a strong reader, avid yes, but not strong. She actually didn't start reading until she was about seven with the assistance of Easyread by David Morgan. She always had an interest, but she felt frustrated and would easily give up. However, her interest in books ignited thanks to audiobooks and comic books. Literature in comic book style has been around for more than ten years, but I feel that in the past five years, they have taken off. Now you can find classic literature such as Dracula or any topic in comic book style. One series we have at home and have read several times is the Science Comics series. With over 18 different books, Science Comics is a dream come true for any parent trying to explain a topic to a child or learn more about a topic.

During a Scout camping trip, we took the Dinosaurs Fossils and Feathers by MK Reed and Joe Flood, published in 2016 by First Second as bedtime reading materials. The other scouts were so interested in the book that

they read each other at night!
What is so great about this book? 115-page comic book-style explanation of Dinosaurs, including a geological time scale, is well worth the read for any child and essential for any parent with a budding paleontologist.
Buy the book from Nature's Materials Bookshop at Bookshop.org. If you are looking for additional materials about Dinosaurs – check these products out.