The number of Dinosaur books in our house outnumbers our books on the universe, which is a lot. As our daughter's interest in Dinosaurs has grown, so have the types of Dinosaurs books. Recently, I purchased the Dinosaur Atlas by Anne Rooney and James Gilleard, published in 2017 by Lonely Planet Kids and created in consultation with Dr. David Button, paleontologist and all-around dino-detective at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. The book features fantastic facts and illustrations about how dinosaurs lived in different sections :
Meet the Dinosaurs (geological timeline)
Six (6) fold-out maps identifying Dinosaurs
Across the planet
North America
South America
Antarctica & Australia

What is so great about this book? Flaps! Yes, there are over 20 flaps, small ones, and large ones! These flaps engage the reader to dig deeper and learn all about dinosaurs! The fold-out maps are also engaging because you want to dig deeper and see what else is there. The book is well organized with aesthetic graphics, photographs, and diagrams, different enough to get the point. Many "actual size" photographs and illustrations convey how large parts of dinosaurs were and a glossary is included in the book.
Buy the Book from Nature's Materials Bookshop at If you are looking for additional materials about evolution and the tree of life - check these products out: